Work Orders - Defaults

The Work Orders - Defaults tab enables you to display and define the default information for a location's work orders.

Detail Header

The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.

Location ID

Identifier of the location currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field has a list box. The location name displays to the right of the ID.

Detail View

The fields in the bottom section of this tab define how work orders are managed. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are optional.

Default repair site on work orders

Repair site used as the default in the Repair site field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center screen for all work orders opened for this location. Required for all repair work orders at locations defined as Shop [regular] locations on the Functions tab. This field has a list box. The repair site description displays to the right of the field.

If a default repair site is not specified, 01 (FACILITY) is used. Repair sites are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Repair Sites screen.

Default parts inventory location for shop

Identifier of the location from which this location normally procures its parts. This field has a list box. It must be a location which the Functions tab defines as a parts inventory location. The location name displays to the right of the field.

Default parts repair location for shop

Identifier of the location to which this location normally sends removed repairable parts for rebuild or repair. It must be a location that the Functions tab defines as a parts inventory location. This option can only be used if any of the following checkboxes on the Functions tab are enabled: Shop (regular), Shop (mobile) or Shop (external). This field has a list box. The location name displays to the right of the field.

Default work delay ID for new work orders

Default identifier for the Work delay ID field on the Delay tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center screen. This field has a list box. If you select a work delay, it must be valid and a value other than AWAITING TRANSFER - SHOP or USER RESPONSIBILITY. The work delay description displays to the right of the ID. This field is optional.

If this field has a value, work orders opened at this location are automatically placed in work delay with this work delay ID. If this field is blank, new work orders opened at this location are not placed into work delay.

Default service status for OPEN work orders

Default service status for open work orders. This field has a list box. The service status description displays to the right of the field.

The highest ranking service status for each OPEN work order for an equipment unit is applied to the equipment unit. If the unit has attached components or is attached to a parent equipment unit, the service status is applied and the equipment status is changed across all attached equipment units. For rankings, 1 is the highest and 10 is the lowest.

Service statuses and rankings are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Service Statuses screen.

Preferred vendor for PM work orders

Identifier of the vendor that this location normally uses to perform PM services on equipment units assigned to this location. This field has a list box. The vendor name displays to the right of the field. Optional.

Default Priority ID for multi-asset work orders

If enabled, newly created multi-asset work orders will set this priority code as the default. This default will then be pushed to child work orders created under the multi-asset work order.

Sync priority ID on multi-asset work orders with children

If enabled, changes to the multi-asset work order priority code listed above will be applied to any child work order that does not have a status of FINISHED or CLOSED.

Default user downtime to stopped when work order is finished

If this field has a check, user downtime stops automatically when the work order status changes to WORK FINISHED. Shop downtime also stops. The assumption is that when the technician finishes the work order, the customer will be notified immediately.

Default employee assignment on generated work orders based on assignment profile

If this field has a check, the employee specified in the Employee ID field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Work Assignment Profiles screen is assigned to work orders created on the Equipment Due for Service/Inspection screens.

Default the Update PM schedule setting to YES on work order finish even if costs are not posted

If this field has a check, the Update PM schedule field on the Tasks tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center screen is automatically updated to YES when the work order is finished. The field is updated even if costs have not been posted.

Default work order finish date and time from latest labor or commercial transaction instead of now

If this field has a check, the work order's finish date defaults to the date (and time, if available) of the latest labor or commercial transaction. If this field is blank, the date defaults to the current date and time.

Default time (relating to SERVER time) if transaction has date only

If there is a check in the Default work order finish date and time from latest labor or commercial transaction instead of now field and the latest labor or commercial transaction does not include a time, the system uses the value in this field. The default is 23:59, but you can change it. Required if there is a check in the Default work order finish date and time from latest labor or commercial transaction instead of now field.

Defaulting of meter readings on work orders

Indicates the method by which meter readings default on work orders. This field is optional.

Default Account ID for interfacing on new Work Orders

If checked, the Account ID for an associated work order will be defaulted when creating new work orders.

Default segment/marker/offset from linear asset on a linear work order

If checked, the segment/marker/offset information from a linear asset will be defaulted on an associated linear work order.

Use equipment assigned location to create child work order on multi-asset work orders

If checked, an asset's assigned locations will be used to determine the work order location for child work orders on a Multi-Unit Work Order.

Job status to assign work orders opened with hand-held devices

For work orders at this location that are entered from a hand-held device and that have a time code that represents Leave Work Order, this is the value automatically inserted in the Job status field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center screen. This field has a list box:

Default service status from

Indicates the source of the default service status for new work orders. The options are:


See Also

Work order screens