Bar Code Printers

The Bar Code Printers tab enables you to define additional data required for printers to print bar codes for parts bin and parts receipt labels. (To use bar codes, the optional Bar Code module must be installed.)

To use the bar code printing capabilities, you must define codes on this screen for at least one printer that has dot-addressable graphics. All laser printers and Epson-compatible printers (and many other dot matrix printers) have this capability. If in doubt, consult the printer manual.

For information about parts label numbers, see label printers.

Detail View Header

The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.

Printer type

The type of the printer currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field has a list box.

Detail View

The data in the fields at the bottom section of this tab define the setup for the bar code printers. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.

Bar code spacing type

Type of bar code spacing. This field has a list box:

Number of rows

For all printers, the number of rows of dots required to generate a bar code pattern approximately 1/2" high, as follows:

Printer control codes (decimal values)

Sequence of printer control codes (escape sequences) that cause the printer to perform the following functions. Some functions apply only to laser printers, some apply only to non-laser printers, and some apply to all printers.

When you print bar codes, you must select a printer for which you have defined the control codes required to print graphics.

The printer manual explains how to send character codes to the printer. The codes are either decimal or ASCII numbers (not hexadecimal numbers). See Printer Codes. If you cannot find the correct codes in your printer manual, contact Technical Support.


Line spacing. All printers.

Start graphics

All printers.

Transfer data 1

All printers.

Transfer data 2

Laser printers only. Portion, if any, of the code sequence for data transfer that comes AFTER the number of rows being transferred. Required if the printer requires one or more characters to be sent after the number of columns to print.

End graphics

Laser printers only. Ends the graphics transfer. This field is required.

Emulation on

Non-laser printers only. Switch the printer to Epson or IBM Graphics Printer emulation mode. Enter a value only for Epson or IBM Graphics Printer emulation mode. See Note in Printer control codes field.

Emulation off

Non-laser printers only. Switch the printer out of Epson or IBM Graphics Printer emulation mode. Required only if there is a value in the Emulation on field. See Note in Printer control codes field.


All printers. Activates emphasized or bold print mode. Optional. Not used at this time.

Double strike

Non-laser printers only. Activates double strike print mode. This field is optional. Not used at this time.


Non-laser printers only. Activates wide print mode. Optional. Not used at this time.


See Also

printer codes for common printers

how to set parameters for bar code printing

scanning difficulties on dot matrix printer bar codes

scanning difficulties on laser printers