Basic Info (Notification Template)

This screen allows you to create lists of individuals and groups to be notified about user-defined work order types. This is the basic information tab for the Notification Template screen. The Basic Info tab for the notification template screen provides you with more information about the notification process.

Detail View Header

The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.

Notification template ID

Identifier of the notification template currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field has a list box. Maximum field length is 20 characters. This field is required.

Detail View

The following fields are found under the Basic Info tab.


Description of the template. Maximum field length is 60 characters. This field is optional.


If this field is checked, the template is active. This field may only be cleared if all work orders associated with the template are closed. The only other way to clear this box is if the template ID is not currently in use on work projects, purchase orders, requisitions, requests for bid/quote/proposal, or responses to requests for bid/quote/proposal.

Reminder frequency

This is the reminder frequency for reminder notifications. You can set reminders under three different frequencies; days, hours, and minutes.

Maximum number of reminders

This field lets you set the maximum number of reminders you will get with a notification.


If this field is checked, the workflow will time-out when the frequency and reminders have been exceeded.  If unchecked, all reminders will be sent and the user is able to approve or deny after the time-out period.

Notification Screen Group Data Table

This screen group, which is labeled Who needs to be notified or who needs to approve in what order for this template, enables you to create lists of individuals and groups to be notified about user-defined work order types. This screen group has the following columns:


Use this check box to delete a line. Checking the box does not automatically delete the line. The user must check this box and then save the template. When the user clicks Save, the entire row will be deleted. A user cannot delete a row of information if the information is currently in use on a work project, repair reason, or work order.


This order is the sequence in which approvals must occur, with 1 having the highest priority. The numerical sequence may overlap.

Action type ID

The action type ID is the identifier of the action type. This field has a choice list. This field is required.

Approval types are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Action Types screen.

Employee ID

Identifier of the employee. This field has a choice list. The same employee may be listed more than once. Either an employee or a department may be specified, but not both. This field is optional. If an employee ID is entered, and an email address is associated with the employee ID, that email address is loaded into the Email address field.


This is the name of the employee. This name field populates automatically when a user enters an employee ID. This is a display only field.

Employee IDs are assigned on the Personal Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Employees -> Primary Information screen.

Email address

E-mail address associated with the employee ID. Populates automatically when an employee ID is entered, but you change it. Maximum field length is 200 characters. This field is optional.

Department ID

Identifier of the department. This field has a choice list. The same department may be listed more than once. Either a department or an employee may be specified, but not both. This field is optional.  


Name of the department. Populates automatically when a department ID is entered. Display only.

Automatic approval threshold

This is where users can set a threshold limit for automatic cost approval. If the threshold amount is greater than the cost of the order, the item will get an automatic approval.