Basic Info

The Basic Info tab enables you to display and define information about tasks, including type; whether the task is used on inventory rebuilds, PM work orders, or repair work orders; priority code; and the associated file and path name.

Detail View Header

The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.

Task ID

Identifier of the task currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field has a list box of IDs that have a check (ü) in the Active field, which indicates that you may post charges to the task. If the ID already exists, the name displays to the right of the ID. See How do I define repair tasks?

The task ID must consist of valid bar code characters only.

Detail View

Data in the bottom section of this tab define basic information about the task. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.


Description of the task. Free-format area.

Task type

Type of task. The type of task determines the format of the task ID. This field has a list box from the DES_MAIN table. The choices are as follows:

Inventory rebuild

If this field has a check, the task ID is to be used on parts inventory rebuild work orders. This field is for information only.

Ignore comebacks

If this field has a check, the system ignores repeat performances of this task when determining whether a task is a comeback.

Always on repair work orders

If this field has a check, the task ID is automatically assigned to a newly created work order, added to the printed repair work order, and added to the Work Order Detail Report.

Always on PM work orders

If this field has a check, the task ID is automatically assigned to a newly created work order, added to the printed PM work order, and added to the Work Order Detail Report.


If this field has a check, the task ID is active and will be included in task ID list boxes. Required to post charges to the task.

Task cannot be used on more than one work order per asset

If enabled, whenever a task is added to a work order, a validation error will be shown and the task will not be added if it is already present on an active (OPEN, PENDING, or, PLANNING) work order for that same asset.

Repair task ID associated with PM task

Valid repair task identifier associated with a PM task. Optional, but if entered must be a task type of either REPAIR TASK or REPAIR GROUP.

If there is an ID in this field when you close a work order, a service request is generated on the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Service Requests/Defects screen for each PM task that has a completion/work accomplished code that is defined as deferred maintenance.

Work accomplished codes are specified on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Work Accomplished Codes screen.

See also Work order screens.

Symptom ID associated with PM task

Valid symptom identifier assocated with a PM task. Optional.

If there is an ID in this field when you close a work order, a service request is generated on the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Service Requests/Defects screen.

Default priority ID

Identifier of the default priority. This field has a list box. The priority description displays to the right of the ID. This field is optional.

When a service request with a task is added, the system uses the following hierarchy to determine the default priority ID:

The first value found is the one that is used. If both task and symptom are present, task takes priority. For multi-unit projects: if the project has a priority code, that takes precedence over the aforementioned hierarchy.

Priority IDs and their functions are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Priority Codes screen.

Benchmarking task ID

Identifier of the benchmark task that corresponds to the task ID. This field is optional.

Associated file

Path and filename

Path and file name of a file associated with the task. This is useful if you want to associate a procedures document, diagram, or schematic with the task. Maximum field length is 255 characters. This field has a file launch button .


Description of the file associated with the task.

Override time code for indirect time

Override time code for indirect time. Enables you to specify a time code to enforce a multiplier for other than standard work. For example, the indirect task for jury duty or vacation should always have a multiplier of 0.00. Cannot have a default indirect task. This field has a list box. Only time codes with a check (ü) in the Use on labor transactions field on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Time Codes screen may be used. This field is optional.

Time codes are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Time Codes screen.

Default account ID for indirect time

Identifier of the account associated with the indirect activity. This field has a list box. This field is optional.

Default account IDs for indirect time code IDs are specified on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Time Codes screen.