Time Cards

The Time Cards screen enables you to display and record labor time (direct and indirect) for all employees. You can also use it to reverse incorrect labor entries.

General Time Card Information

The following information is tracked for employees:

For each work order task, the following is tracked:

For a list of screens from which you can post charges to work orders, go to Posting charges to work orders. The charges are posted in the same way from each screen.

Up to 150 rows of information display on this screen. To view more than 150 rows, use the Queries/Reports -> Query/Report Generator screen to create and run a report that includes the information. You can also use Web Modules Reporting or any other reporting tool sold separately (such as Microsoft Access) that can attach to the database. Refer to the related documentation for these products.

Detail View Header

The fields in the top section of this tab define the data that displays.

Employee ID

Identifier of the employee for whom you are reviewing or recording labor time. This field has a list box, which is limited by the user's location security rights (i.e., must be authorized to access the employee's assigned location). The employee’s name displays to the right of the ID.

Employee IDs are assigned on the Personal Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Employees -> Primary Information screen.

Sum of labor hours listed

Sum of all the employee's labor hours for all rows in the tab section, to the nearest hundredth of an hour. When you type information in the Labor hours field, the sum automatically displays in this field. If there is a check in the Reversal field for the row, the specified hours are subtracted from this field. Display only.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define the information for entry on the time card. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.

WO location

Identifier of the location of the shop to which the work order is assigned. This field has a list box, which is limited by the user's location security rights (i.e., must be authorized to access the work order location). Required only for direct labor. Type other work order ID information in the -year and -number fields. For indirect labor, leave this field blank.


Year in which the work order was opened. Required only for direct labor. Type other work order ID information in the WO location field and the -number field. For indirect labor, leave this field blank.


Number of the work order. Required only for direct labor. Type other work order ID information in the WO location and -year fields. For indirect labor, leave this field blank.

Equipment ID

Identifier of the equipment assigned to the work order. Automatically displays upon the entry of work order information. This field is display only.

Time code ID

Identifier of the time code. This field has a list box of IDs. The account ID and task code default from the time code.

After you specify a work order location, the default time code value specified for the employee (refer to the Default time code ID for work order charges field on the Rates tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Employees -> Primary Information screen) is automatically inserted. To charge indirect labor, specify a valid indirect time code. To charge to another direct time code, change the inserted value to a valid direct time code.

If you process the time code ID specified as the indirect time code ID for changes to projects and orders on the Data -> Equipment Management -> Planning -> Setup -> Options screen, the Staff effort for changes to project/Hours field on the Staff Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Management -> Planning -> Projects screen displays the sum of all labor hours processed on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Time Cards screen that relate to changes to the project.

Time codes are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Time Codes screen.


Employee's time classification. This field is optional.

Task ID

Identifier of the task that describes the labor. Task IDs are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen. This field has a list box of IDs that have a check in the Active field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen, which indicates you can post charges to the task.

Indirect labor is tracked using the task ID type INDIRECT. All indirect labor must have a task ID that identifies the work being performed.

If an account ID is entered for the line, the task IDs that display are only those associated with the account. If there are no associated task IDs listed for the account, all active tasks that support that account will display. This does not include accounts that have the Enforce task restrictions for this account option enabled on the Tasks tab of the Accounts Primary Information screen.

The following additional information applies to the Task ID field:

Work accomplished code

Code associated with the task ID for the work accomplished. This code provides more detail about the work performed in relation to the task. Required for each task on the work order prior to closing if the location (indicated in the first part of the Work order ID field) has a check in the Require work accomplished code on work order tasks field on the Work Orders - Options tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen.

Work accomplished codes and their descriptions are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Work Accomplished Codes screen.

% complete

Percentage of the task completed by the employee. Required if there is a check in the Require task percentages upon closing of work order field on the Work Orders - Options tab on the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information  screen.


Date that the work order was finished or, if the work order has not yet been completed, the current system date. You can change the date, but you cannot make it later than the work finished date.


If this field has a check, the labor time is reversed from the time card.

Labor hours

Number of hours of labor the employee worked on this task on this date, to the nearest hundredth of an hour. You can enter labor hours to two decimal places. Must be a positive number. If you enter information in this field, the total in the Sum of labor hours listed field updates automatically. This field is optional.

Account ID

Identifier of the general accounting system account to charge for the labor. This field has a list box. Required if there is a check in the Require entry of account ID on work orders and tasks field on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Repair Reasons -> Primary Information screen, which takes precedence over the setting in the Account ID field on the Edit Criteria - General tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen.

If you enter a repair reason that requires an account ID, this field clears and the account ID must be entered manually. For labor, part, and commercial postings, the ID defaults from the task. If a task ID is entered for the line, the account IDs that display are only those associated with the task. If there is no associated account ID listed for the task, all active accounts that support that task will display. If the repair reason is M (Capital), the ID must be entered manually.

The account ID must have a status of ACTIVE at the time you assign it.

Account IDs and account status are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Accounts -> Primary Information screen.

In the following three fields, if the task ID matches a task already listed on the work order, the value defined for the task displays. Otherwise, the value defined for the work order displays. These fields are display only. To change a previously processed value assigned to a work order, or to change a value for a task to one other than the value assigned to the work order, you must be assigned to a user group that has a check in the appropriate Override work order field on the Special Rights tab of the System Mgmt -> Setup -> Access Rights -> User Groups screen. To change a value, use one of the following tabs on the Data Shop Activity -> Work Order Center screen:

Work class

Code that specifies a work class for the task.

Warranty work

Warranty status of the work order. If a warranty is in effect, the default is the location's (determined by the first part of the work order ID) value in the Default setting for warranty when warranty is in effect field on the Work Orders - More Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen. You can change it. This field has a list box:

Repair reason ID

Identifier of the reason for repair. This field has a list box. The reason description displays to the right of the ID.

Repair codes are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Repair Reasons screen.

Equipment planning project ID

Identifier of the equipment planning project to which the labor applies. This field has a list box. This field is optional.


Text field in which you can enter comments regarding an indirect time entry. The maximum field length is 60 characters. This field is optional.

Position ID

Identifier of the part's position. This field has a list box. Required if you are posting labor, parts, or commercial entries to a work order for an equipment unit whose class for resources requires that a position ID be entered. Otherwise, optional.

Position IDs are defined on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Positions screen. The position ID requirement for an equipment class is specified on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Class/Task Information screen. Whether a check for potential comebacks is performed is based solely on exact task ID is specified on the Options tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Options screen.

Service request ID

Identifier of the service request to which the labor applies. This field has a list box. This field is optional.

No parts needed

If this field has a check, no parts were used on the work order. This functionality is not used for internal rebuilds.

Shift ID

Identifier of the shift during which the labor was performed. This field has a list box. This field is optional.

Shifts and shift IDs are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Shifts screen.

Crew ID

Identifier of the crew assigned to the task. Does not need to be the crew to which the employee is assigned. This field has a list box. This field is optional.

Crews and crew IDs are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data > Shop Activity > Setup > Crews screen.

Start date and time

Date and time (in MMDDYYYY HHMM format) that the employee began work. Enables technicians to use an alternative method to enter hours. Optional, but must be earlier than the end date and time if entered.

If there is a check in the Allow future dates on indirect time entries field on the Options tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Options screen, then indirect time may be posted to a future date and time. The start dates and times may also be in the future.

End date and time

Date and time (in MMDDYYYY HHMM format) that the employee stopped work. Enables technicians to use an alternative method to enter hours. This field is optional. If you enter the start and end dates and times, the Labor hours field populates automatically.

If there is a check in the Allow future dates on indirect time entries field on the Options tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Options screen, then indirect time may be posted to a future date and time. The end dates and times may also be in the future.


See Also

Determining labor rates