Employees - Primary Information

The Primary Information screen for employees enables you to display and define information that relates to the organization’s employees. You must assign an employee ID to each person who records labor or, if the optional Bar Code module is installed, to each person who uses a hand-held device to record data.

To learn more about each tab's functions and fields, click the applicable hyperlink.

Personal Info

Personal information about employees, including their emergency contact information

Assignment Info

Assignments, including locations, account, and shift

Authority Info

Information about tasks the employee is authorized to perform on the Data -> Call Center -> Call Center screen

Employment Info

Employment information for employees, including their start and termination dates


Employee job classifications


Employee pay and billing rates


Employees’ skill types and the charge rate per hour


Information about employees' labor schedules and whether employees' time is recorded. If the optional Shop Scheduling module is installed, this tab associates the employee with a calendar ID that defines the employee's weekly hours and holidays, and enables the module to schedule labor for the employee


Files associated with employees