Basic Info

The Basic Info tab enables you to record details about line items received into inventory. You can also use it to create purchase orders (POs) or PO line items on the fly to order and receive parts simultaneously. You can issue parts costs to a work order ID or directly to an equipment, account, or department ID. You can issue commercial work to a work order ID. You can cancel a line item.

The Receipts screen supports location-level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.

Detail View Header

The fields in the top section of the Basic Info tab identify the purchase order and the applicable line number, if any. They also enable you to receive all line items for the PO (rather than process them individually) and specify whether the PO or line item is new. The latter option enables you to order and receive parts simultaneously.

Purchase order ID

Identifier of the purchase order either being reviewed or currently selected in the grid. You may only receive against open purchase orders. This field has a list box. The purchase description displays to the right of the field. Required unless the New purchase order and/or new line item field has a check. This field also has a zoom button to the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Purchase Orders screen.

Line number

Line number of the item being received individually. Can either be an existing line item number or a new one that you are appending to the purchase order. Required unless the New purchase order and/or new line item field has a check.

Fully receive all line items for receiving location on purchase order

If this field has a check, the system inserts a receipt for every open line item listed on the purchase order. Canceled work orders are not included. This option eliminates you having to complete a separate process action for every individual line item. The status on all lines changes from OPEN to CLOSED after processing. If you enter a vendor invoice number, it will be copied to each received line item. Lines that do not have a unit price are not received with this action (you must enter a separate receipt for any order line that does not have a price).

Receipt ID

The identifier of the receipt. This is auto-filled when a purchase order and line number is entered. The Receipt ID is not unique by itself, and only a combination of the Purchase Order number and Receipt ID make a unique number.

New purchase order and/or new line item

If this field has a check, the receipt being recorded is for a new purchase order and/or new line item. You can use this field to create ad hoc POs or add a line item to an existing purchase order and perform an immediate receipt.

Detail View

The fields in the bottom section of the tab provide additional information about the items being received.

Date and time

Date and time (in MM/DD/YYYY format) the line item was received. Auto-populates with the current date and time when a purchase order ID and line number are entered. This field is required.

Purchase type ID

Categorization of the purchase. This field has a list box. The type name displays to the right of the field. This field is required.

Purchase types are defined on the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Purchase Types screen. The screen also specifies the entities (e.g., requisitions, POs) on which a purchase type can be used and whether immediate receipt is allowed.

Receiving location ID

Identifier of the parts location receiving the item or fuel. Must either be the same as the PO location or have the PO location designated as the supplied-by location. This field has a list box. The location name displays to the right of the field. This field is required.

Line item type

The type of line item, such as STOCK PART. This field has a list box. This field is required.

If there is a check in the New purchase order and/or new line item field and the line item type is changed to COMMERCIAL, FEE, SHIPPING, FUEL, or EQUIPMENT, the Part ID and Part suffix fields clear automatically.

The Basic Info tab on the Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Purchase Types screen specifies which line item type (or types) may be used on this screen.

Part ID

Identifier of the part. This field has a list box.

Part IDs and suffixes are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen. Automatic part numbering is enabled on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Product Categories screen.

Unit of measure

Unit of measure (UOM) associated with the part. Auto-populates based on the values in the Part ID and Part suffix fields, but you can change it. The UOM must be associated with a conversion factor, which converts the part quantity to the base UOM defined for the part location. Required if line item type is STOCK PART or EXTERNAL REBUILD; must be blank if line item type is FUEL; otherwise, optional.

Units of measure and their conversion factors are defined on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Units of Measure screen.

Part suffix

Suffix associated with the part ID, which distinguishes it from other parts with the same part ID. Required for STOCK PART line items. Required for EXTERNAL REBUILD line items. Must be blank for COMMERCIAL, FEES, SHIPPING, and FUEL line items. Optional for all other line item types. For line item types that do not require a stock part ID suffix, NULL and 0 are considered to be the same value.

Part description

Auto-populates based on the information in the Part ID and Part suffix fields. Maximum field length is 140 characters. This field is display only.

Other ID

User-defined identifier associated with the line item. auto-populates from the line item information when a purchase order ID and line number are entered. For FUEL line item types, required if the Description field is blank. For all other line item types, this field is optional. The maximum field length is 60 characters.


Description of the item being ordered or received. For FUEL line item types, required if the Other ID field is blank. For all line item types except FUEL, required if the Part ID, Part suffix, and Other ID fields are blank. The maximum field length is 160 characters.


Status of the item. It cannot be PENDING. The status updates to CLOSED once all parts on an order are received. You may also update the status manually. This field has a list box.

In Enterprise Purchasing, the possible statuses for requisitions, purchase orders, and requests for and responses to bids/quotes/proposals are specified on the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Statuses screen.

Qty receiving

The quantity received. If the line item type is either STOCK PART or NON-STOCK PART, this value must be greater than 0. If the line item type is EXTERNAL REBUILD, this value must be 1. If the line item type is COMMERCIAL, this value must be 0. For serialized parts, the quantity must be 1. This field is required.

If a partial quantity for a part request is received, the line item status changes to PARTIALLY RECEIVED.

If the line item type is FUEL, the quantity received is added to the tank inventory and the price of the fuel in the tank is averaged based on the new total fuel quantity and total value on hand in the tank.

If there is a check in the Message when quantity received does not match quantity ordered field on the Messaging tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen, a message displays if the receipt quantity does not match the order quantity. Applies to line item types STOCK PART, NON-STOCK PART, and EXTERNAL REBUILD.

If the quantity being received is greater than the quantity ordered, the action taken depends on the setting in the Message if receiving quantity greater than ordered field on the Purchase Orders tab of the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Purchase Types screen:

If there is a check in the Message when inventory of a STOCKED part drops below its reorder point field on the Messaging tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen, a message displays if issuing this quantity would drop the current stock level below the parts reorder point.

The reorder point is specified on the Replenishment tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Location Information screen.


If this field has a check, parts are being returned to the vendor. When a COMMERCIAL line item is returned, the commercial posting is reversed from the work order.

Unit price

Price of an individual unit for the unit of measure (UOM). If a stock part is entered and the line item is new, this field auto-populates with either the last receipt price or, if that is zero, the last order price. Otherwise, this field auto-populates with the unit price specified on the purchase order line item. For FUEL items, this value is calculated as total cost/quantity. You may change this value. For FUEL items, the unit price must be greater than zero. For COMMERCIAL items, the unit price must be zero. This field is required.


Default contract unit price for the part. Applies only when receiving a STOCK PART line item. This field is display only.

Discount pct

Discount percentage applied to the part. Defaults to the discount percent, if any, listed on the Data -> Purchasing -> Vendor Contracts -> Parts Prices screen. Otherwise, defaults to the vendor part primary record. Optional, but must be greater than or equal to zero if provided.  

Net price

Equal to the unit price multiplied by the discount percentage, if any. Auto-populates based on the values entered in the Unit price and Discount pct fields. This field is display only.

Bin ID

Identifier of the intended bin at the receiving location. The field populates based on the receiving location ID. Required if there is a check in the Require bin location for parts at each stocking location field on the General tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen; otherwise, optional. This field has a list box. The maximum field length is 20 characters. The following restrictions apply to the part put-away process with bins:

Qty ordered

The quantity ordered. Display only from the purchase order.

Qty remaining

The quantity remaining. Equals the quantity ordered minus the quantity received for the line item. Populates automatically when the purchase order ID and line item number are specified. This field is display only.

PO location ID

Identifier of the location associated with the PO. Defaults to the PO location associated with the purchase order ID, if one is entered. This field has a list box. Required, and must be a valid parts location.

Vendor ID

Identifier of the vendor supplying the part. Defaults to the vendor associated with the purchase order ID, if one is entered. This field has a list box of active vendors, restricted by the item's location. You may change the vendor ID if needed. This field is required.

The products and/or services (e.g., equipment, parts, or equipment repair) that a vendor provides is specified on the Functions tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen.

Store ID

Identifier of the store. Required if purchases are tracked by store location; otherwise, optional. This field has a list box.

The screen group at the bottom of the tab lists the work order (or work orders) with which the line item is currently associated. If the purchase order ID and line item number are specified, the group auto-populates with the related work order information associated with the line item. Fuel and equipment line items do not support related work orders.

Basic Info Data Table


Action to be taken regarding the work order. In many cases, this field defaults based on your settings. In the case of ordering enhancements for part requests, it may default to RECEIVE. Otherwise, it will default to ISSUE in most cases. Optional, but must be CANCEL, ISSUE, or RECEIVE for related work orders.

This field has a list box:

WO location

Identifier of the shop location where the work is being performed. This field has a list box. This field is optional.


The year (in YYYY format) printed on the work order. This field is optional.


The work order number. If a work order number is included, the work order must have a status of either OPEN or WORK FINISHED. This field is optional.

Qty issue

Quantity issued. If the line item type is either STOCK PART or NON-STOCK PART, must be greater than zero and cannot be greater than the receipt quantity. If the line item type is COMMERCIAL, must be zero. This field is optional.

Task ID

Identifier of the task. This field has a list box. The choice list displays tasks already on the work order followed by tasks that apply to the equipment asset group. If entered, it must be active and cannot be a PM TASK type. This field is optional.

Work accomplished code

Code for work that has been completed on the work order. This field has a list box. This field is optional. If the WAC for this part is marked Part Issue Not Allowed on the Basic Info tab of the Work Accomplished Codes screen, an issue of a part with this WAC will cause an error during processing, and not process the issued part.

Equipment ID

Identifier of the equipment unit to which the issue applies. If entered for a work order, must match the equipment on the work order. This field has a list box. This field is optional.

Department ID

Identifier of the department to which the issue applies. This field has a list box. If entered for a work order, must match the department on the work order. This field is optional.

Account ID

Identifier of the general accounting system account to charge for the item. If entered for a work order, does not have to match the ID on the work order. This field is optional.

Labor cost

Cost of labor provided by the vendor. Applies only to COMMERCIAL line items. If provided, must be zero or greater. This field is optional.

Labor cost taxable

If this field has a  check, the sales tax on labor is calculated and added to the amount in the Labor cost field.

You can set a default value for this field on the Currency/Sales Tax Setup tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen. If that tab specifies that sales tax be computed by vendor, the individual percentage for the vendor is used. Otherwise, the standard sales tax percentage is used.

Sales tax rate

The sales tax rate.

Labor hours

Labor hours provided by the vendor. Applies only to COMMERCIAL line items. If provided, must be zero or greater. This field is optional.

Parts cost

Cost of parts provided by the vendor. Applies only to COMMERCIAL line items.  If provided, must be zero or greater. This field is optional.

Parts cost taxable

If this field has a  check, sales tax on parts is calculated and added to the amount in the Parts cost field.

You can set a default value for this field on the Currency/Sales Tax Setup tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen. If that tab specifies to compute sales tax by vendor, the individual percentage for the vendor is used. Otherwise, the standard sales tax percentage is used.

Sales tax rate

The sales tax rate.

Misc cost

Miscellaneous costs charged by the vendor. Applies only to COMMERCIAL line items. If provided, must be zero or greater. This field is optional.

Misc cost taxable

If this field has a check, miscellaneous costs are subject to an appropriate sales tax that the application added to the Misc cost field.

Sales tax rate

If there is a check in the Misc cost taxable field, this field displays the sales tax rate for miscellaneous costs. This field supports two digits to the left of the decimal and four digits to the right. It is display only.

The following fields are searched, in order, and the first rate found is displayed. If all the fields are blank, a sales tax is not added to the charges.

Total cost

Sum of the Labor cost, Parts cost, and Misc cost fields.

Total tax amt

Sum of all taxes (labor and sales) from related work orders. This field is display only.

Est total cost

Estimated total cost of the related work order for the commercial issue.

Estimated total tax amt

The total estimated tax amount. This field is display only.

Core credit

If this field has a check, you can recover a portion of the part's cost when you return the used portion to the vendor. If a quantity is entered and the part has a core value, this field populates automatically. You can remove the check. Core parts are identified on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Part Classifications screen.

Core unit value

Cost of the core part. If a quantity is entered and the part has a core value, this field populates automatically.

Fail/cause ID

Identifier that describes the reason the part failed or was replaced. This field has a list box. The choice-list displays tasks that apply to the equipment asset group. This field is optional.

Parts failure/cause codes are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Failure/Cause Codes screen.

Position ID

Identifier of the part's location (position) on the equipment unit. If the resources class/task combination requires a position ID, this field is required. Otherwise, this field is optional.

The position information requirement is specified on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Part Classifications screen.

Serial number

Serial number of the new part being received and issued to this work order. If the part is serialized, this field is required. Otherwise, this field is optional.

Removed serial number

Serial number of the part that was removed. This field has a list box. The choice-list displays the serial number and position (if applicable) of all parts installed on the equipment. If the work accomplished code is INSTALL ONLY, this field must be blank. If the work accomplished code is REMOVE ONLY, this field is required. Otherwise, this field is optional.

Service request ID

Identifier of the service request associated with the work order. This field has a list box. This field is optional.

Service requests are assigned to work orders on the Service Requests/Defects tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center screen. Service requests are assigned to linear work orders on the Service Requests/Defects tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Linear Work Order screen.

Vendor invoice

Vendor invoice number associated with the commercial part. The maximum field length is 20 characters. This field is optional.

Vendor work order

Identifier of the vendor work order associated with the commercial part. This field is optional.

Commercial part ID

Identifier of the commercial part. This field has a list box. This field is optional.

Commercial part qty

Quantity of the commercial part. This field is optional.