
Note: The Replenishment tab replaced the EOQ tab in Release 6.0.

The Replenishment tab enables you to specify the replenishment method and criteria for a parts location. You may also specify a default replenishment generation type for a part.

The Location Information screen supports location level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.

Detail View Header

Data in the fields in the top section of this tab are display only from the Basic Info tab.

Part ID

Identifier of the part. The ID is associated with the part suffix. This field has a zoom button (to the Data -> Parts Items -> Cross references screen, which defines cross-references of part IDs) and a list box. The part description displays to the right of the ID.

Part suffix

Number associated with the part in the Part ID field, which distinguishes it from other parts with the same part ID.

Inventory location ID

Identifier of the location where the part inventory is stored. This field has a list box. The location name displays to the right of the ID.

Detail View

Data in the fields on the bottom section of this tab enable you to specify the replenishment method.

Replenishment method

The replenishment method. This field is required. The choices are:

Perform EOQ or MIN-MAX calculation

Specifies whether the EOQ or MIN-MAX calculation should be performed. This field has a list box.

If there is a check in the Economic order quantity calculations field on the System Mgmt -> End of Period screen when you run end-of-period processing or YES displays in the Calculate item field on the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Replenishment -> Calculate Replenishment Parameters screen, the selection you make in this field is treated as follows:

Other options that affect this selection are as follows:

For other parameters that affect EOQ processing, refer to the General tab on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen.

Default replenishment generation type

Default action applied when you choose DEFAULT as the action on the Generate tab of the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Replenishment -> Replenishment Management screen. Any default noted on the part location takes precedence over the location default. This setting does not affect purchase orders on the Data -> Purchasing -> Reordering screen when you manage parts either CENTRALLY or BY LOCATION.

If you manage inventory BY ENTERPRISE and want a part to have a different replenishment generation type than the default for the location, specify it in this field.  If all parts at a location can be handled the same, you may leave this field blank. This field is optional.

This field has a list box:

Supplied by location if transfer request

The location, other than the inventory supplied-by location, from which to obtain replenishment parts. This option applies only if the Default replenishment generation type field specifies TRANSFER REQUEST. Optional, but must be a valid part location if entered. This field has a list box.

Automatically calculate ABC code

If this field has a check, the ABC code for the part is set automatically.

EOQ values

Reorder point

Stock level (in units of issue) at which an order for this part is to be placed at this location. Only applies to EOQ replenishment method.

Reorder quantity

Quantity to order (Economic Order Quantity, in units of issue) when you reorder this part for this location. Only applies to EOQ replenishment method.

Safety stock level

Level (in units of issue) below which inventory should never fall for this part at this location, except to cover delivery delays from vendors. Only applies to EOQ replenishment method.

MIN-MAX values

Refer to the System Mgmt -> End of Period screen or the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Replenishment -> Calculate Replenishment Parameters screen.

Minimum available quantity

Minimum level of inventory to have on hand at all times to protect against fluctuations in demand and/or supply. This value has no automatic calculation capability. Only applies to the MIN-MAX replenishment method. Must be greater than or equal to zero if the replenishment method is MIN-MAX.

Maximum available quantity

Maximum level of inventory to have on hand at all times to protect against fluctuations in demand and/or supply. This value has no automatic calculation capability. Only applies to MIN-MAX replenishment method. Must be greater than zero if the replenishment method is MIN-MAX.

ABC code

Inventory management classification for this part at this location. This value applies only to the EOQ replenishment method. Any letter from A to Z is valid. Optional.  

Apply replenishment only during season

Use this to enable parts that need to only be stocked seasonally. If this is set, replenishment will be enabled during the time frame that you set. Replenishment will run from the beginning of the seasons start month to the end of the season end month.

Season start month

If Apply replenishment only during season is checked, set the start month for the season.

Season end month

If Apply replenishment only during season is checked, set the end month for the season.