Basic Info

The Basic Info tab provides information about the part to be replenished, such as ID, quantity, vendor, and location. The replenishment list lists the parts that are stored in the REPLEN_MAIN table. These are the parts that need to be restocked and ordered to fulfill the stocking criteria set up by EOQ or MIN-MAX replenishment guidelines. You can review the list to determine the next appropriate action for the parts.

The Replenishment Management screen supports location level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.

Detail Header

The fields in the top section of the tab indicate the date and time the part was added to the replenishment list and the name of the employee responsible.

Date and time added to list

Date and time that the part was added to the replenishment list. This field is display only.

By employee ID

Identifier of the employee who added the part to the list. This field has a list box. The employee's name displays to the right of the field.

Detail View

The fields in the bottom section of the tab provide more information about the part and how it will be replenished.

Part ID

Identifier of the part. The ID is associated with the part suffix. This field is display only.  

Part suffix

Number associated with the part in the Part ID field, which distinguishes it from other parts with the same part ID. This field is display only.

Location ID

Identifier of the stock location for which this part needs to be replenished. The location name displays to the right of the ID. This field is display only.

Order quantity

Quantity that needs to be ordered, transferred, or built. If ordering serialized parts, the quantity may be greater than 1.

Replenishment method is specified on the Replenishment tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Location Information screen.

At or below safety stock

If this field has a check, the quantity is at or below the part's safety stock level. This field is display only.

Unit of measure

Unit of measure associated with the item. This field has a list box. If you set the unit of measure on this screen before generating a requisition or purchase order, the generated line item uses the specified unit of measure.

Units of measure are defined on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Units of Measure screen.

Unit price

The cost of one unit. You can change this value. Required; must be greater than zero.

Discount pct

Discount percentage offered by the vendor (perhaps for high-volume purchases). Defaults to the discount percent, if any, listed on the Data -> Purchasing -> Vendor Contracts -> Parts Prices screen. Otherwise, defaults to the vendor part primary record. If line item type is COMMERCIAL, discount percentage must be zero. Optional, but must be greater than or equal to zero if entered for non-commercial items.

Net price

Net price of the line item in the logged-on user's currency. This field is display only.

Exclude from generate action

If this field has a check, the part is not included in the generated purchasing entity (e.g., requisition, PO, production request).

Vendor ID

Identifier of the vendor for the transaction. Defaults to the preferred vendor for the part at the location, but you can change it. This field has a list box. The vendor name displays to the right of the ID. If the replenishment will generate something other than an OPEN purchase order, this field is optional.

This field also has a Zoom button to the Data ->  Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen, on which vendors are defined.

Store ID

The store ID. Enter the store ID if the preferred vendor ID entered has the option active to track store locations. This field has a list box. The store ID choice list is limited to the stores noted on the preferred vendor.

Vendor contract ID

Identifier of the vendor contract for the transaction. This field has a list box. This field is optional.

Vendor contract IDs are recorded on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Purchasing-> Vendor Contracts -> Contracts screen.

Contract line item ID

Identifier of the line item associated with the vendor contract. This field has a list box. This field is optional.

Vendor contract line item IDs are recorded on the Contract Line Items tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Vendor Contracts -> Contracts screen.


On hand

Number of issue units of the item in inventory. This field is display only.

On order

Number of issue units of the item on order. This field is display only.

On order for work order

Number of issue units of the item on order for a work order. This field is display only.

Pending requisition/order

Number of issue units of the item that are pending reorder. This field is display only.

Pending picking

Number of issue units that are pending picking. This field is display only.


Number of issue units of the item that are committed to a part request. This field is display only.

To be reconciled

Number of issue units of the item to be reconciled. This quantity was issued when the stock on hand was insufficient to complete the issue, and needs to be reconciled with a receipt or a stock transfer. This field is display only.

Transfer in pending

Number of issue units of the item awaiting transfer in from another stock location. This field is display only.

Transfer request pending

Number of issue units of the item waiting to be transferred out to another stock location. This field is display only.

Transfer out req pending

Number of issue units of the item awaiting transfer out to another stock location. The replenishment calculation considers quantity requested for transfer as unavailable parts when determining if a part needs to be replenished. This field is display only.

Pending rebuild

Number of issue units of the item that are waiting to be rebuilt on a pending production request or production run. This field is display only.

Out for rebuild

Quantity sent out to a vendor for rebuild as an external rebuild line item on a pending production request or production run. This field is display only.

Other statuses available

Number of issue units available in statuses other than the one associated with the current part suffix. Example: Part statuses include NEW, USED, and REBUILT. If NEW is the status currently selected for the part, this field lists the number of parts with a USED or REBUILT status. This field is display only.

Staged for put-away

Number of units currently being staged for put-away. These are parts that are at the location but not yet in inventory. Replenishment will consider these units as part of the current available quantity when determining if a part needs to be replenished.

Replenishment type

Method used to determine whether the part needs to be replenished, such as EOQ or MIN-MAX. This field is display only.

Reorder point

Stock level, in units of issue, at which an order is to be placed for this part. Only applies to replenishment type EOQ. This field is display only.

In Enterprise Purchasing, the reorder point is specified on the Replenishment tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Location Information screen.

Reorder qty

Reorder quantity, in units of issue, that the system computes for this part. Only applies to replenishment type EOQ. This field is display only.

In Enterprise Purchasing, the reorder quantity is specified on the Replenishment tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Location Information screen.

Safety stock

Minimal level of inventory to have on hand at all times to protect against fluctuations in demand and/or supply. Only applies to replenishment type EOQ. This field is display only.

In Enterprise Purchasing, the safety stock level is specified on the Replenishment tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Location Information screen.

Minimum qty

Minimal level of inventory to have on hand at all times to protect against fluctuations in demand and/or supply. Acts similar to reorder point for EOQ. Only applies to replenishment type MIN-MAX. Display only.

Maximum qty

Maximum quantity to have on hand at all times to protect against fluctuations in demand and/or supply. Only applies to replenishment type MIN-MAX. This field is display only.

Data has changed

(Applicable only if managing inventory BY ENTERPRISE) If this field has a check, then the part quantity was changed. The checkbox is cleared if data is updated using the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Replenishment -> Generate Replenishment List screen. This field is display only.