
The Reading tab gives you more control over adjustments to fuel values. You can record a tank reading (adjustment) and either "protect value" by adjusting the unit price to reflect a different quantity or  "write off" the lost value by adjusting the value while using the same unit price. You may also record a reading without adjusting the quantity or price.

Detail View Header

The fields in the top section of this tab define the data that displays.

Tank ID

Identifier of the tank on which the reading was taken. May not contain alphabetic characters or leading zeros. This field has a list box. The location and fuel type associated with the tank display to the right of the ID.

Adjustment ID

Identifier of the adjustment. Automatically assigned by the system. This field is display only.

Detail View

Data in the bottom section of this tab record the tank readings and the adjustment, if any. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.

Read date and time

Date and time (in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM format) that the quantity of fuel in the tank was read. It must be later than the last tank reading/date and time (listed on the Last Tank Reading tab of the Data -> Fuel/Fluid Tanks -> Primary Information screen) for the specified tank ID.

New reading

Quantity of fuel or fluid in the tank at the time of the reading.  

This reading is used to adjust the values in the following fields on the Current Inventory tab of the Data -> Fuel/Fluid Tanks -> Primary Information screen:

To adjust this value, the value in the Quantity/on hand field is multiplied by the value in the Current price field on the Data -> Fuel/Fluid Tanks -> Setup -> Fuel Types screen. The system also records a snapshot on the adjustment transaction of the before and after values of the quantity on hand and the value on hand for the fuel tank being adjusted.

Current values

The current quantity, value, and unit price display after you specify a tank ID. You can use this information to decide which type of adjustment you need to make.

Qty on hand

Quantity of the new reading. Rounded off to three decimals.

Unit price

Unit price of the new reading. Required if the adjustment type is NEW UNIT PRICE.


Monetary value of the new reading. Required if the adjustment type is NEW VALUE ON HAND. The maximum field length is 12 characters and two characters after the decimal.

Reason code

Code that describes the reason for the adjustment. This field has a list box. Optional.  

Adjustment reason codes are defined on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup  -> Adjustment Reason Codes screen.

Account ID

Identifier of the account to which the adjustment applies. This field has a list box. The account description displays beneath the ID.

Account IDs are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Accounts -> Primary Information screen. The Account ID field on the Edit Criteria - General tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen specifies whether information in this field is required, optional, or not required.


Text field in which you can enter comments regarding the adjustment. Maximum field length is 60 characters.

Adjustment type

Type of adjustment that you are making. The options are: