How to open a work order

To open a new repair work order:

Step 1.  On the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center screen, click the Prepare for insert button.

The current calendar year displays in the three-part WO ID field, and the Date and time in field and Date and time opened field default to the current date and time.

Step 2.  In the WO type field, select REPAIR.

Note:  The work order type cannot be changed once the record is saved.

Step 3.  In the EQ ID field, specify the equipment ID to which this work order applies. You can select an ID from the list box or type an ID.

The License number field populates automatically. The Account ID field will also auto-populate if there is an account ID associated with the equipment ID.

Step 4.  In the Meter 1 and Meter 2 fields, type values (if applicable).

Step 5.  If the meter information entered in step 4 is either below the current meter or outside the edit range, the Meter 1 and 2 validation fields are required. If you cannot verify the meter reading, select NO EQ UPD.

Step 6.  In the Tech ID field, type the technician ID or select a value from the list box (optional).

Step 7.  In the Vendor ID field, type the vendor ID or select a value from the list box (optional).

Step 8.  In the Repair reason ID field, type a reason ID or select one from the list box.

Step 9.  In the Repair site field, type a site or select one from the list box.

Step 10. In the Work class field, type a class or select one from the list box.

Step 11. If the asset is under bumper to bumper warranty, the Warranty work field defaults to UNKNOWN. Change the setting; you will not be able to close a work order whose warranty work is UNKNOWN.

Step 12. If you need to backdate a work order, you must change all the dates on this tab BEFORE posting charges.

Step 13. On the More Info tab, complete the Contact name and Phone fields, if required.

Step 14. If the Messages tab is highlighted, click it to review information regarding the work order, such as other open work orders or a potential repeat problem.

Step 15. On the Comments tab, type comments regarding the work.

Step 16. On the Tasks tab, type any expected tasks.

Note:  Expected tasks are important for notification of equipment component warranties and potential comebacks.

Step 17. Click the Output Control tab.

Step 18. To print a copy of the work order, select your printer ID in the Printer ID field. Once you select a printer and click the Process button, the work order will print. (If you do not specify a printer, a copy will not print.) The field automatically clears after printing is finished.

Step 19. To save your work, click the Process button.

FASuite saves the work order and, if a printer was selected, prints a copy of it.