Query and report design

To design a query or report from the Queries/Reports -> Query/Report Generator screen:

Step 1.  On the Manage tab, click NEW REPORT to clear any previous queries and reports from the screen.

Step 2.   On the Data Items tab, define the data to appear on the query or report.

Step 3.   On the User-defined Items tab, define special items to appear on the query or report. (Special items are not included in the FASuite database itself, but have either fixed values or values computed or derived from data items in the database or other user-defined items. See examples of user-defined Items and how to create user-defined items.)

Step 4.   On the Sorts tab, define the order in which the data items should be displayed or printed and assign a sequence (ascending or descending) to the order of each item, if appropriate. If the sequence is unimportant, you do not need to define any sort rules. See how to define sorts.

Step 5.   On the Restrictions tab, specify rules that determine whether the query or report is to include a row (or record) from a table. If the query or report is to include all rows from the table (or tables) you select, you do not need to define any restriction rules. See examples of expression statements for restrictions and building restriction rules.

Step 6.   Use the Groups tab to specify a subsection, or level of control, in the query or report. You can also define breaks or section totals to appear where the value of a particular data item changes. You can select one or more data items to generate subtotals for each individual value, and you can specify that data which match a specific value start on a new page. See how to create groups.

Step 7.   Use the Layout tab to control and display the entire format of a query or report, including the lineup of columns and indents and the placement of sections. FASuite generates a default layout for each query and report automatically. See how to customize the layout.

Step 8.   Use the Manage tab to save the query or report definition, run (execute) the query or report, or clear the query or report from the screen.