How to customize the layout of a query or report

You can customize the layout of any query or report section. Use the column ruler (number bar) at the top of the layout section to place your items.

Data items (including user-defined items and summary items) are represented on the Layout menu by masks. A mask is a row of x characters equal to the maximum length of the item.

Although the location ID and equipment ID fields throughout the GUI were expanded, standard reports in the Query/Report Generator were not changed to accommodate the expansion. If you use more than 6 characters for a location ID or 12 characters for an equipment ID, you will need to modify your reports to ensure that they display the full number of characters.

To add, change, or remove items or features in a section of the query or report:

Step 1.   Position the pointer either where you want to insert an item or on the item you want to modify, move, or delete.

Step 2.   Click the right mouse button
The Layout menu appears.

Step 3.   Position the cursor on the Layout menu and select the appropriate item:

Edit Item

Insert Text Item

Insert Line

Insert Data Item

Create Summary Item

Insert Function

Delete Item

Delete Line

Default Layout