Parts - Location Information

The Location Information screen for parts items enables you to display existing information about parts locations, specify locations where a part is stocked, and define information about how the location manages the part's inventory. This screen defines location-specific part information.

After you create an entry for a part ID at a location, use the Data -> Parts Activity -> Adjustments screen to specify the initial stock level, stock value, and unit issue price for the part at that location.

To learn more about each tab's functions and fields, click the applicable hyperlink.

Basic Info

Information about parts inventories at specific locations, including the date and time specific parts were added to the location's inventory, quantity on hand, and current unit price

Stock Mgmt

Specifications as to how the parts inventory at the location is managed. Contains important settings for the put-away process.

More Info

Additional information about the part quantities stocked at a location, including the quantity committed, to be reconciled, and pending

Purchasing Info

Purchasing information about the part at the location, including the preferred vendor and repairer

Purchasing Notes

Notes about the part purchased for the location


Replenishment method and criteria for parts at the location


Comments related to parts at the location

Other Status

Current counts of all "in stock" statuses (new, rebuilt, used) at each stocking location as well as the current record


Record of the movement of the part summarized for the stocking location

Work Orders Used On

Work orders on which the part appears

Part Primary Comments

Comments regarding the part recorded on the Comments tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen


Markups applied to the cost of parts held in inventory at specific locations


Part lots recorded when the General tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen specifies that the organization uses either the FIFO or LIFO inventory pricing method


Parts cross-reference information

Serial Numbers

Parts serial numbers


Associated data files


Attributes for parts