Inventory - Enterprise

The Inventory - Enterprise tab enables you to define location-based options that apply to Enterprise Purchasing. To specify how parts data are handled at the system level, use the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen. 

Detail Header

The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.

Location ID

Identifier of the location currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field has a list box. The location name displays to the right of the ID.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define how parts inventory is managed. All fields are optional.

Supplied by location ID

Identifier of the location that supplies the stock for this location. Examples include the location itself (if managing BY LOCATION) or a centralized warehouse. This field has a list box. The location description displays to the right of the ID.

Any location can supply this location

If this field has a check, the location can be supplied by any location. This allows flexibility with the location by allowing it to be listed as the receiving location from any defined purchasing location.

Use last vendor as default for replenishment if no preferred vendor

If this field has a check, the last vendor is used as the default for replenishment if no preferred vendor exists. If you leave this field blank, you must enter a vendor ID for any replenishment item that does not have a preferred vendor before you can generate requisitions or purchase orders.

Require reason for return to vendor

If this field has a check, users must specify the reason for a return-to-vendor transaction.

Return reasons are defined on the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Return Reasons screen.

Allow return to vendor without prior receipt

If this field has a check, you can insert return-to-vendor transactions without a corresponding receipt or purchase order. This field will not show when the option is not enabled.

Allow receipt against expired vendor contract

If this field is checked, it allows a Receipt using a vendor contract that is expired as long as the line was ordered before the contract expiration date.

Security days for MIN-MAX calculation

Number of days that you can survive without the part if the vendor cannot deliver it within the normal lead time. Used in the MIN-MAX calculation performed on the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Replenishment -> Calculate Replenishment Parameters screen.

Default account ID

Identifier of the default account for the location. When a location ID is entered on the Basic Info tab of an Enterprising Purchasing screen, this value displays in the Account ID field unless an ID has already been specified. This field has a list box. The account description displays to the right of the ID.

Default account IDs by line item type are specified on the More Info tab of the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Options screen.

Default purchase type ID

Identifier of the default purchase type for the location. When a location ID is entered on the Basic Info tab of an Enterprising Purchasing screen, this value displays in the Purchase type field unless another value has already been specified. This field has a list box. The purchase type description displays to the right of the ID.

Purchase types are defined on the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Purchase Types screen.

Default replenishment generation item

Default purchasing entity (e.g., requisition, purchase order) for replenishment items. This field has a list box.

Default purchase type for replenishment

Default purchase type for replenishment lists. Automatically generated. This field has a list box. The purchase type description displays to the right of the ID. If specified, purchase type must be allowed for requisitions and purchase orders.

Default part request purchase type ID

If there is a default set in this field, it is defaulted for the purchase type ID when a request is actioned for a part request purchase type. If empty, it reverts back to using the Enterprise - Setup - Options - Appropriate default purchase type value.

Default commercial request purchase type ID

If there is a default set in this field, it is defaulted for the purchase type ID when a request is actioned for a commercial request purchase type. If empty, it reverts back to using the Enterprise - Setup - Options - Appropriate default purchase type value.

Separate automatically generated orders by product category

If this field has a check, new enterprise purchase orders and requisitions are generated and separated by vendor and then by product category. If this field is blank, purchase orders and requisitions are separated by vendor ID only.

Default data for new parts added during ordering

The following fields enable you to indicate the default values, if any, assigned to new parts added to inventory.


Default keyword for the new part. This field has a list box. The keyword description displays in the field to the right.

Product category

Default product category for the new part. This field has a list box. The category description displays in the field to the right.

Part classification ID

Default classification identifier for the new part. This field has a list box. The classification description displays in the field to the right.

Permit repeat orders of parts added to inventory automatically

If this field has a check, you can repeat orders for parts that are added to inventory automatically.

Default replenishment method

Default replenishment method for new part records that are added automatically. This field has a list box.

Put-away process

The put-away process is the process that parts go through to be received and put back into inventory. Set your preferred method for put-away by choosing AUTOMATIC or STAGED.

Always require serial numbers on receipt for staged parts

Check this box if you would to require that a serial number be entered for staged parts in the put-away process.

Default staging bin ID

Allows you to select a default staging bin to be used when receiving parts. This will streamline a workflow if you have multiple bins at your location. A choicelist will only display when bin types are set to STAGING AREA and the bin is marked active.

Automatic numbering of receipt batch IDs

Default format for the receipt batch ID displayed on the Accounting Info tab of the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Receipts screen. Maximum field length is 30 characters. This field has a list box.

Custom ID structure

Enter the structure for creating automatic numbering. This is a user-defined format using the following structures. This is required if the Automatic numbering of work project IDs option is set to CUSTOM.

For example, entering [SEQ:3]-PROJECTS-[YR] will send out the form 001-PROJECTS-2018.