Accounting Info

The Accounting Info tab provides additional information about the purchase order, such as accounting, invoice, and tax information. It also enables you to record information from external (outside the application) sources.

When receiving line items for non-stock parts, fees or shipping and issuing them to a work order, a not-from-inventory part issue is posted to the work order. The description from the purchase order line item is entered as the description on the resulting part issue. The part ID on the part issue for a NON-STOCK PART line item is set to “NON-STOCK PART; Other ID” where Other ID is the Other ID specified on the line item. The part ID on the part issue for a FEE line item is set to “FEE; Other ID” where Other ID is the Other ID specified on the line item. The part ID on the part issue for a SHIPPING line item is set to “SHIPPING; Other ID” where Other ID is the Other ID specified on the line item.

The Receipts screen supports location-level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.

Detail View Header

The fields in the top section of the Accounting Info tab are display only from the Basic Info tab.

Purchase order ID

Identifier of the purchase order currently selected in the grid. The description displays to the right of the field. This field also has a zoom button to the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Purchase Orders screen.

Line number

The line item number. Can either be an existing line item number or a new one that you are appending to the purchase order.

Fully receive all line items for receiving location on purchase order

If this field has a check, all OPEN line items for the purchase order are received. The only exception is serialized parts, for which you must enter a separate receipt because you must enter a serial number. If a receipt batch ID was looked up or specified on the initial receipt, it is assigned to receipt transactions for the specified location. Lines that do not have a unit price are not received with this action (you must enter a separate receipt for any order line that does not have a price).

Receipt ID

The identifier of the receipt. This is auto-filled when a purchase order and line number is entered. The Receipt ID is not unique by itself, and only a combination of the Purchase Order number and Receipt ID make a unique number.

New purchase order and/or new line item

If this field has a check, the receipt being recorded is for a new purchase order and/or new line item. If a receipt batch ID was looked up or specified on the initial receipt, it is assigned to the receipt transaction.

Detail View

The fields in the bottom section of the tab provide additional information about the vendor account associated with the purchase order.

Account ID

Identifier of the account to charge for the item. This field has a list box. Whether account IDs are required, optional, or not required is specified on the Edit Criteria - General tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen.

Account IDs are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Accounts -> Primary Information screen.

Vendor invoice

Vendor’s invoice number for the received line item. The maximum field length is 20 characters. Optional.

Document number

Document number associated with the receipt, such as a bill of lading or a packing slip ID. Maximum field length is 10 characters. This field is optional.

Receipt batch ID

If this field has a check, the system automatically generates a receipt batch ID for the location that is based on the information provided in the Automatic numbering of receipt batch IDs field on the Inventory - Enterprise tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen.

Vendor contract ID

Identifier of the vendor contract under which the item was ordered. When a purchase order line item is received, this field will be populated automatically (if the data is included in the line item). This field has a list box. The contract description displays to the right of the field.

Vendor contracts are recorded on the Data -> Purchasing -> Vendor Contracts -> Contracts screen.

Contract line item ID

Identifier of the line item associated with the vendor contract. This field has a list box. This field is optional. Vendor contract line item IDs are recorded on the Contract Line Items tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Vendor Contracts -> Contracts screen.

Sales tax rate

Sales tax rate, as a percentage, that the system uses to compute sales tax to add to parts received. This field is optional. A vendor's sales tax rate is specified on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen.

Apply sales tax across all receipt lines

Check this box to apply this rate over all receipt lines.

Sales tax amount

Amount of sales tax charged. If a sales tax rate is entered, this field populates automatically. The calculated sales tax amount is included in the value added to inventory for STOCK PART line items. This field is display only.

Shipping amount

Amount of the shipping charges incurred in purchasing the part. Amounts entered in this field are included in the value added to inventory for STOCK PART line items. This field is optional.  

Allocate shipping amount to stock parts being received

If stock parts are being received, use this field to specify how shipping costs should be allocated. Amounts are calculated to two decimal places. Required if there is a value in the Shipping amount field; otherwise, optional.

External info

All of the external information (data from outside the application) fields are optional.


Status of the item.


Date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) when the status was set.  

PO number

Purchase order number.

Line no

Line item number.

Req number

Requisition number.

Req status

Status of the requisition.


Quantity of the item in an external system.  


Free-form text field in which you can type comments regarding the purchase order. Maximum field length is 255 characters.