Line Items

The Line Items tab for requisitions enables you to display and define line items on requisitions.

Detail View Header

Requisition ID

Identifier of the requisition currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field has a list box.

Detail View

The bottom section of the Line Items tab consists of three sections: two screen groups and the space between them.

First Screen Group

The fields in the first screen group display and define the line items. To select the previous or next item, click the << or >> boxes at the bottom right corner of the group. Unless otherwise indicated, all fields are optional.


To delete the entries in the fields to the right, place a check (ü) in this field and click Save.

Line item status

Status of the line item. This field has a list box:

Item type

Type of item included in the requisition. Required if there is information in the Line item status field. This field has a list box:

When you highlight a row in the group, the line item attributes display in the second screen group. Additionally, fields relevant to the item type display in the blank space between the two groups. The line item number displays in an unmarked field at the top of the space.


Generic description of the item for identification purposes. (It can be a work order, equipment unit, part, or special fee ID, or any other identification item you choose to use.) Free-format area. Required if there is information in the Item type field.


Description of the item included in the requisition. Free-format area. Required if there is information in the Item type field.

Date ordered

Date of the entry of the order. This must be the current system date or earlier. Required if there is information in the Item type field.

Date required

Date the line item is required to be delivered. Required if there is information in the Item type field.

Expected delivery date

Date and time the line item is expected to be delivered. Required if there is information in the Item type field.

Account ID

Identifier of the account to charge for the line item. This field has a choice list.

When you assign an account ID, it must have a status of ACTIVE.

Account IDs and their statuses are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Accounts -> Primary Information screen. The Account ID field on the Edit Criteria - General tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen specifies whether information in this field is required, optional, or not required.

Vendor contract ID

Identifier of the vendor contract under which the work was ordered. This field has a list box of contract IDs that are current, valid for the vendor on the transaction, and have money remaining on the contract.


Remarks or notes about the line item included in the requisition.

The following fields enable you to associate data from external systems with requisition line items. This is useful for interfaces to other systems.

External status

Status of the line item recorded on an external system.

Ext qty

Line item quantity recorded on an external system.

Ext date

Date recorded on an external system.

External PO number  

Purchase order number recorded on an external system.

External line number

Line number recorded on an external system.

External requisition number

Requisition number recorded on an external system.

External requisition status

Requisition status recorded on an external system.

External comment

Comments regarding the line item recorded on an external system.

Second Screen Group

Data in the fields in the second screen group in the tab section display and assign attributes to the line items. When you enter information in the Item type field, these fields display attribute information previously assigned to the line item. (To assign attributes to the requisition as a whole, use the Attributes tab.) Unless otherwise indicated, the fields are optional.


To delete the entries in the fields to the right, place a check (ü) in this field and click Save.

Line number

Line number assigned to the line item by the application. Display only.

Attribute ID

Identifier of the attribute assigned to the line item selected in the first screen group. This field has a list box of IDs restricted by line item type and availability for use on requisitions. Attribute IDs are defined on the Data -> Procurement -> Attributes screen.


Name associated with the attribute ID. Display-only from the Data -> Procurement -> Attributes screen.

Text value

Text value for the attribute used with the numeric value. For example, this field may contain a term (such as discount percent) and the Numeric value field may contain the corresponding amount (such as 10.000).

Numeric value

Numeric value for the attribute used with the text value. For example, the Text value field may contain a term (such as discount percent) and this field may contain the corresponding amount (such as 10.000).


Remarks or notes about the attribute ID assigned to the line item. Free-format area.

Space Between the Screen Groups

The fields that display in the space between the screen groups depends on the line item type: COMMERCIAL, EQUIPMENT, NON-STOCK, or FEE.


The line item included in the requisition is for commercial work. The following fields appear in the space between the groups.

Total cost

Total cost of the commercial work on the requisition. Display only.

Task ID

Identifier of the task that describes the commercial work. This field has a list box of IDs that have a check in the Active field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen, which indicates you can post charges to the task. This field is required.

Task IDs are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen.

Work order ID

Three-part field that identifies the work order. The first part identifies the shop location to which the work order is assigned. The second part is the year the work order was opened. The third part is the work order number. This field has a list box. Optional.

Parts cost

Vendor’s flat rate for parts required to complete the task in the Task ID field. Required if there is no information in the Labor cost field.

This field uses the rate specified on the Data -> Purchasing -> Vendor Contracts -> Commercial Work screen.

Misc cost

Amount of any other costs incurred by the task in the Task ID field for items such as small parts, washing, and minor repair. Must be zero or greater than zero for bids, estimates, requisitions, and deliveries. If the requisition was created from the Data -> Procurement -> Estimates screen, miscellaneous costs for commercial line items are carried over.

Labor cost

Charges for labor required to complete the task in the Task ID field. Defaults to zero. Calculated automatically if the labor rate and labor hours are entered. Required if there is no information in the Parts cost field.

This field uses the rate specified on the Data -> Purchasing -> Vendor Contracts -> Commercial Work screen.

Labor rate

Rate of the labor cost.

Labor hours

Number of hours of labor required to complete the task ID, to the nearest hundredth of an hour. Must be a positive number.


The line item included in the requisition is for one or more equipment units. Required to use the Equipment Planning module to specify a project ID for the requisition. The following fields appear in the space between the groups.


Number of equipment units included in the requisition. Must be greater than zero. Maximum field length is six digits.

Unit price

Price of each equipment unit included in the requisition. Must be greater than zero.

Equipment ID

ID of an equipment unit. This field is for reference information only.

Delivery location

Identifier of the location at which the equipment unit (or units) will be delivered.

Project ID

Identifier of the equipment planning project of which this requisition is a part. This field has a list box.

If the Equipment Planning module is installed, when you specify an ID in this field, an event type for the project is inserted on the Event/Approval Tracking tab of the Data -> Equipment Management -> Planning -> Projects screen and information from the template assigned to the project displays in the following two fields. Both fields have list boxes.

Equipment type

Type of equipment. This field has a list box.

Maintenance class

Class to which the equipment unit is assigned for maintenance.


The line item included in the requisition is for a non-stock item (or items). The following fields display in the space between the groups.


Quantity of the non-stock item needed.

Unit price

Price of each non-stock item included in the requisition.

Delivery location

Identifier of the location to which the non-stock item (or items) will be delivered.


The line item included in the requisition is a fee. The total cost of the fee displays in the space between the groups.