Access Keys

The Access Keys screen enables you to manage your keys and other access cards. You can track access keys such as HID cards and physical keys, and you can assign asset keys to equipment units, locations, employees, operators, or departments. You can also assign RFID access keys to enhance inventory security for high-value serialized parts. KeyValet uses data on this screen to determine which equipment unit is associated with the physical key stored in the key box.

To use access keys, keys must be in an ISSUED state and associated to an employee or operator to allow logins using a card reader. Any card ID that is used with multiple employee or operators will now log an error and fail the login to prevent any security issues.

Creating Employee/Operator and Equipment Fuel Cards

Below are some helpful tips for best practice when creating Employee/Operator and equipment fuel cards.

Employee/Operator Fuel Cards

This screen does not validate for duplicate entries when it comes to entries in the employee and operator fields.

Equipment Fuel Cards

Detail View Header

The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.

Access key ID

Identifier of the access key. This field has a list box. Maximum field length is 20 characters. This field is required.

The fields in the bottom section of this tab enable you to specify key status and type. You can also assign keys to equipment units, locations, employees, high-value parts, or operators. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are optional.

Detail View

Key type

The type of key. This field has a choice list:

Key status

The status of the key. This field has a choice list:

Facility code

Numeric facility code. This field has a list box.

Facility codes are defined on the System Mgmt -> Setup -> Security Tags -> Facility Codes screen.

Card identifier

Text field in which you can enter an identifier for the card. Maximum field length is 20 characters.

Card PIN

Personal identification number associated with the access card.

Assigned to:


Text field in which you can enter a comment on the access card for the vehicle or department. When the card is used in FuelFocus, the text in this field displays in the Comments field on the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Fueling -> Internal Fuel Tickets screen. Maximum field length is 60 characters. This field is optional.

Facility and stationary equipment information

Location ID

Identifier of the location assigned to the access key. This field has a list box. The location description displays to the right of the ID.

Locations are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen.

Location asset ID

Identifier of the asset's location. This field has a list box. The asset description displays to the right of the ID. Optional, but must be STATIONARY equipment if entered.