Automated Fuel Tickets

The Automated Fuel Tickets screen enables you to import and process data from automated fuel systems. You can process transactions for fuel, fluid, miscellaneous costs (e.g., oil change, smog check, car wash), or any combination thereof.

When the system uploads data from an automated fuel system, it skips transactions that contain one of the skip codes specified for the fuel system in the Skip transactions beginning with field on the Fuel System Description tab of the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Fueling -> Setup -> Automated Fuel Systems screen.

The system can process transactions generated by many different automated fuel dispensing systems without requiring you to re-key fuel ticket data. Operations departments usually use the fuel dispensing system and configure it to save a record of each fueling transaction that contains an equipment identifier, the current meter reading for the equipment unit, the fuel pump number or type of fuel dispensed, and the quantity of fuel the system dispensed.

Whenever appropriate, you can send the accumulated fuel transactions (by disk or telephone line) to the computer on which the system runs. Once the file resides on the computer, you can use this screen to process the fuel tickets without re-keying the data.

To learn more about each tab's functions and fields, click the applicable hyperlink.


Specifies the automated fuel system from which data for an upload originates

Fuel Data Load

Defines and processes an upload from an automated fuel system and displays the number of transactions accepted and rejected during the processing


Displays data uploaded from an automated fuel system in raw format and any error messages the data generated