More Info

The More Info tab for parts items enables you to define additional information about the part not specified on the Basic Info tab.

Detail View Header

The fields in the top section of this tab define the data that displays.

Part ID

Identifier of the part currently selected in the grid or that you are defining.  

The part ID may only consist of valid bar code characters. This field has a zoom button to the Parts Items -> Cross-references screen, which defines cross-references of part IDs. It also has a list box. The part description displays to the right of the ID. This field is required.

The combination of this part ID and the part suffix must be unique for each part.

Part suffix

Number associated with the part in the Part ID field, which distinguishes it from other parts with the same part ID.

This identification applies only if the part ID is a valid part ID.

New part/location/inventory

If you are entering a new part, you can click the New part/location/inventory button to launch the Add New Part wizard. The wizard will walk you through specifying the required data for the Part Primary, Part Location, and Inventory Adjustment screens.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define the additional information about the part. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.

Long description

A lengthy description of the part. This is an optional text field.

External identifier

External identifier for an internal part ID. This value can facilitate interfacing parts information to other systems. This field is optional.

Label graphics file

Name of the graphic file to print on each label for a part (requires the installation of an Intermec parts label printer). Graphic file names must consist of a letter between A and Z and the extension .UDC (such as "A.UDC"). They must be in the same directory as the APP (application). This field is optional.

Federal part identifier

You may use this optional field text however you want.

Available code

You may use this optional field text however you want.

Core value for rebuilds

Value of the rebuilt part’s core. The value in this field is added to the resulting value of a rebuilt part when you process the work order for the rebuild on either the Data -> Parts Repair -> Internal Rebuilds or External Rebuilds screen.

This quantity is used to determine the value to enter in the Value on hand field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Location Information screen when you close a work order on the Parts Repair -> Internal Rebuilds screen.

Template equipment ID

If the Equipment Planning module is active, this is the identifier of the template that defines a standard set of variables to apply to projects that include the part. A template equipment ID may only be assigned to one part.

To initiate this level of tracking for a serialized part, specify a template equipment ID. You manage a serialized part like any other (e.g., enter serial numbers when installing, removing, or rebuilding), but the component records are maintained automatically. If a component record for the specified part ID and serial number does not exist, a record is created for you. The template equipment ID provides defaults for data such as equipment classes, assignment data, and other codes.

As you remove and install these components and serialized parts through normal part issue activities on work orders, the relationships between the components and the parent equipment unit are maintained automatically.

Prefix characters for automatically generated component IDs

Prefix for the new component equipment ID. When a new component record is created, the prefix is added to the component number automatically.

Example: If you add a gear unit with serial number 790321 and the prefix on the Part Primary record is “GEAR-”, then the component number is GEAR-790321. If the combination of prefix and number is larger than the field, the last digits of the serial number are used. Example: Serial number 78000219827478882 plus the GEAR- prefix generates component number GEAR-7478882.

Enterprise purchasing default account ID

Default account identifier for purchases by part. When you order a stock part line item that has a default account ID, this value displays on the line item. You can change it if you want. This field is optional.

The default account ID for enterprise purchasing is specified on the Inventory - Enterprise tab of the Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen.

Warning if serial number issued out of order

This setting determines whether the system will give a warning if a part that is being issued is issued out of order. There are three choices:

Serial number format

The format of the serial numbers.

The Serial Number Format field is an editable field that tells the system how to number the parts. Be sure to enter your serial number format according to the number already in the system for that part, or, if this is a new serial format, you can enter the format as follows:


The prefix and suffix can be anything you need, or you can use one and not the other, etc. however you would like to manage your part. The middle SEQ:# you enter is the number of digits you want as part of your serial number. If you generate six parts with sequence quantity of 5, and the starting number is 100, the following serialized numbers would be generated.

Exclude from inventory lists

If this field has a check, the part is not included on part choice lists. Does not apply to part choice lists on the Parts Activity -> Stock Transfers and the Parts Activity -> Status Transfers screens.

System-wide setting for pricing method

Current setting for pricing method. This field is display only.

The inventory pricing method is specified on the General tab on the Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen. For more information, see how to implement a parts inventory pricing method.

Part-level overrides for:

If you have a part that you would like to track differently from the rest of your stock, you may set a part-level override for pricing method and lot tracking. There are two separate settings so that you can use average pricing but also track lots for delivery (receipt date) and expiration date purposes. Both fields are optional.

To edit the expiration date, use the Lots tab on the Parts Items -> Location Information screen.

Pricing method

Part-level override for pricing method. The options are:

Lot tracking

Part-level override for lot tracking. The options are:

If pricing method is AVERAGE, lot tracking can be NONE, FIFO, or LIFO. (It cannot be null [blank].) If pricing method is FIFO, lot tracking must be FIFO. If pricing method is LIFO, lot tracking must be LIFO. If pricing method is null (blank), lot tracking must be null (blank).

If lot tracking is changed from NULL or NONE to LIFO or FIFO, a lot is created for every part location record in which quantity on hand is greater than zero. If lot tracking is changed from LIFO or FIFO to NULL, all lots associated with part locations are removed.