Line Items

The Line Items tab enables you to list every item being purchased using or associated with a purchase order (PO), such as parts, office supplies, shipping fees, and service charges. To order stock parts, you must use this tab and the line item type must be STOCK PART.

The Purchase Orders screen supports location-level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.

Detail View Header

The field in the top section of the Line Items tab is display only from the Basic Info tab.

Purchase order ID

Identifier of the purchase order either being defined or that is currently selected in the grid. The description displays to the right of the field.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab provide information about each line item on the purchase order. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.


If you place a check in this field and click Save, the line item status changes to CLOSED for auditing purposes. The line item is not deleted from the list, however.

Line number

Line item number. Display only; automatically assigned in sequential order.


Status of the line item. This field is required. The status may be set to CLOSED only once all line items are closed on the PO.

When the status of a rebuilt serialized part is set to OPEN, the core is removed from inventory (if part status tracking is active) and the status of the serialized part is set to SENT TO VENDOR.

Line item type

The type of line item. This field is required. This field has a list box:

The item description displays to the right of the field. If the line item type is STOCK PART, you cannot change it once the record has been saved. Also, once a line item has a status of OPEN, the line item type cannot be changed.

The Basic Info tab on the Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Purchase Types screen specifies which line item type (or types) may be used on this screen.

Part ID

Identifier of the part. Required for STOCK PART line items unless there is a check in the Allow STOCK PART line items to be ordered with no part ID field on the Purchase Orders tab of the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Purchase Types screen. Required for NON-STOCK PART line items if a product category is specified. Required for EXTERNAL REBUILD line items, and the part must be classified as Repairable/Rebuildable. Must be blank for COMMERCIAL, FEES, SHIPPING, and FUEL line items. Optional for all other line item types. The part may not be a kit (i.e., must have a kit type of NONE). This field has a list box.

Part classifications are defined on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Part Classifications screen.

Part suffix

Number associated with the part ID, which distinguishes it from other parts with the same part ID. Required for STOCK PART line items unless there is a check in the Allow STOCK PART line items to be ordered with no part ID field on the Purchase Orders tab of the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Purchase Types screen. Required for EXTERNAL REBUILD line items. Must be blank for COMMERCIAL, FEES, SHIPPING, and FUEL line items. Optional for all other line item types.  

Part description

Text description of the part. Auto-populates based on the values in the Part ID and Part suffix fields. Required if the part ID and part suffix are not already in the database (i.e., you are entering a new part). Otherwise, this field is optional. Maximum field length is 140 characters.

Product category ID

Identifier of the product category to which the part belongs. When a quantity is entered, this field auto-populates based on the values in the Part ID and Part suffix fields (unless those fields are blank and the automatic numbering option is not activated). Required if line item type is STOCK PART and a part ID and suffix have been specified. Required if line item type is EXTERNAL REBUILD. Must be blank if line item type is COMMERCIAL, FEES, SHIPPING, or FUEL. Optional for all other line item types. This field has a list box.

Product categories are defined on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Product Categories screen. Automatic part numbering is also enabled on that screen.

Other ID

User-defined identifier associated with the line item. Required if there is a check next to the applicable line item type in the Require Other ID on line item types field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Purchase Types screen. The maximum field length is 30 characters.


Description of the item being ordered. Required if the Part ID, Part suffix, and Other ID fields are blank. The maximum field length is 30 characters.

Unit of measure

Unit of measure (UOM) associated with the line item. auto-populates based on the values in the Part ID and Part suffix fields, but you can change it. Required if line item type is STOCK PART with a part ID and suffix; required if line item type is EXTERNAL REBUILD; must be blank if line item type is FUEL. Otherwise, optional.

Units of measure and conversion factors are defined on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Units of Measure screen.


Total quantity being ordered for the line item. For COMMERCIAL line items, quantity must be zero. For FUEL line items, quantity must be greater than zero. If line item has an action specified, quantity must be greater than zero. Otherwise, optional. Maximum field length is seven characters, including two decimal places (one decimal place for FUEL line item types).

A vendor’s minimum order requirement is specified on the Purchasing Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen.

Unit price

Price of an individual unit for the UOM. For FUEL line items, the unit price must be greater than zero. For COMMERCIAL line items, the unit price must be zero. Otherwise, the unit price may depend on the contract with the vendor.

This field is optional, but must be greater than or equal to zero.

Discount percent

Discount percentage offered by the vendor (perhaps for high-volume purchases). Defaults to the discount percent, if any, listed on the Data -> Purchasing -> Vendor Contracts -> Parts Prices screen. Otherwise, defaults to the vendor part primary record. If line item type is COMMERCIAL, discount percentage must be zero. Optional, but must be greater than or equal to zero if entered for non-commercial items.

Net unit price

Net price of the line item. The value is calculated by applying the discount percent to the unit price. This field is display only.

Location ID

Identifier of the location where the parts are stored or the fuel is being delivered. Defaults to the PO location. This field has a list box. This location may be different from the purchase order location as long as the order location is the supplied-by location. This field is required.

Location IDs are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen.

Fuel/fluid tank ID

Identifier of the location to which the fuel is to be delivered. This field has a list box. Required if the Line item type field specifies FUEL; otherwise, must be blank.

Fuel and fluid tank information is defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Fuel/Fluid Tanks -> Primary Information screen.

Fuel/fluid type

Identifier of the fuel type. This field has a list box. Required if the Line item type field specifies FUEL; otherwise, must be blank.

Fuel and fluid types are defined on the Data -> Fuel/Fluid Tanks -> Setup -> Fluid/Product Types screen.


Date and time (in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM format) that the item is needed. This field is optional.

Defaults to the current date and time if there is a check in the Default required date to today field on the Purchase Orders tab of the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Options screen.


Date and time (in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM format) the order was placed. Unless the status is PENDING, this field is required.

Expected delivery

Date and time (in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM format) that the item is expected to arrive. This value may be overridden manually.

The value that displays varies by circumstance:

The base date used depends on the line item status:

Vendor contract ID

Identifier of the contract with the vendor. Must be a valid, active contract for the vendor ID entered on the Basic Info tab. This field has a list box. This field is populated automatically when the line item type of the purchase order has an active contract with the vendor. However, if the vendor of a purchase order has more than one active contract, this field does not auto-populate. If the vendor contract is set, it will also use the Part ID Suffix contract price.

Required for noncommercial items if there is a check in the Require vendor contract ID on purchase order line items field on the Purchase Orders tab of the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Purchase Types screen. Required for commercial items if there is a check in the Require vendor contract ID when posting work field on the Options tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Options screen. Otherwise, this field is optional.

Vendor contracts IDs are recorded on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Vendor Contracts -> Contracts screen.

Amount remaining

Amount remaining on the vendor contract. This field is display only.

Contract line item ID

Identifier of the line item associated with the vendor contract. This field has a list box. This field is optional.

Vendor contract line item IDs are recorded on the Contract Line Items tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Vendor Contracts -> Contracts screen.

Sales tax rate

Sales tax rate assigned to the line item.

Account ID

Identifier of the general accounting system account to charge for the item. This field has a list box of active accounts that may be assigned to POs.

Account IDs are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Accounts -> Primary Information screen. The Edit Criteria - General tab on the Data -> Setup -> Options screen specifies whether account IDs are required, not required, or optional.


Approval status of the line item. This field has a list box.


Identifier of the person who approved the line item. Defaults to the employee ID associated to the user ID that was logged in when the Approval field was set to a non-pending status. This field has a list box. The employee name displays below the by field. This field is optional.


Date and time the line item disposition was entered. Defaults to current date. This field is optional.

Sent to vendor

If this field has a check, the line item was sent to the vendor. You can use this information in either reporting or interfaces.

You can select or clear the checkbox manually, or the system will do so under the following circumstances:

Date and time sent to vendor

Date and time (in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM format) that the line item was sent to the vendor. This field populates automatically when the Sent to vendor field is checked, but you can change it.

Source type

Type of entity from which this line item originated, if the line item was actioned to this purchase order from a response to RFB/Q/P or other entity.

For example, if the line item originated from a requisition, this field will specify REQUISITION and the Source ID field will specify the requisition ID. If the line item originated from a vendor response to a request for bid/quote/proposal, this field will specify RESPONSE TO RFB/Q/P and the Source ID field will specify the response ID. This field is display only.

Source ID

Identifier of the source item listed in the Source type field. Display only.

Gross total amt

Total quantity of the line item on order. Equal to quantity multiplied by unit of measure. This field is display only.

Sales tax amt

Total amount of sales tax for the line item. Equal to gross total amount multiplied by sales tax rate. This field is display only.  

Discount amt

Discount amount offered by the vendor (perhaps for high volume purchases). This field is display only. Discount amounts are specified on the Data -> Purchasing -> Vendor Contracts -> Parts Prices screen.

Shipping amt

Cost of shipping the item. This field is optional.

Total cost

Calculated total cost of the line item. This field is display only.

Default unit price

Default contract unit price for the part. Applies only when adding a STOCK PART line item. This field is display only.

Funding source ID

Identifier of the grant or capital funding source for the purchase order. This field has a list box. Optional.

Funding sources are defined on the Data -> Equipment Management -> Capital Planning -> Funding Sources screen.

Eq planning project ID

Identifier of the equipment planning project. This field has a list box.

External rebuild serial no

External (outside the application) number of the serialized part being rebuilt. Must be blank unless the line item type is EXTERNAL REBUILD or the part ID-suffix is classified as a serialized part. This field has a list box. Required on purchase orders with an OPEN status.

Part classifications are defined on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Part Classifications screen.


Text field in which you can type comments regarding the line item. The maximum field length is 60 characters. This field is optional.

Verified valid part ID

Indicates whether the system has verified the part ID as valid. This field is optional.

If you process an entry with an invalid part ID/part suffix and place a check in this box, the system inserts a valid definition for the new part ID/suffix. The system also sets the Inventory month field on the Stock Mgmt tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen to NONE and the Unit of measure field on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Units of Measure screen to the value in the Unit of measure for orders with no vendor/part information available field on the Purchase Orders tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Setup -> Options screen.

OK from unapproved vendor

If this field has a check, you may override the Require approved vendor for STOCK PART line items field on the Purchase Orders tab of the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Purchase Types screen.

External status

External (outside the application) status. The maximum field length is 30 characters. This field is optional.

Ext date

External (outside the application) date when the external status was set. This field is optional.

Ext PO number

External (outside the application) purchase order number. The maximum field length is 30 characters. This field is optional.

Ext line number

External (outside the application) line number. The maximum field length is five characters. This field is optional.

Ext comment

Free-form text field in which you can type comments. The maximum field length is 255 characters. This field is optional.

Ext requisition no

External (outside the application) requisition number. The maximum field length is 30 characters. This field is optional.

Ext requisition status

External (outside the application) requisition status. The maximum field length is 30 characters. This field is optional.

Ext qty

External (outside the application) quantity. The maximum field length is six characters. This field is optional.