
The Tasks tab enables you to display and specify the tasks associated with the work order, based on your current diagnosis of what is wrong, what needs to be done, and what has been done. You can use the % wildcard character to filter the results of choice-lists on this screen.

General Tasks Tab Information

This tab is designed to be used as a planning tool. The task IDs you enter, as well as detailed procedures defined for each task, are listed on the hard copy of the work order. Because task IDs are retained until you close the work order, you can evaluate how much work remains to be done at any time. If you enter a task ID, the system does not require that work be done under that ID, and you can charge work to IDs not specified on this screen.

On repair orders, if the Options tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Options screen contains a check in the Add late/soon due PM services to repair orders as tasks field, when you insert (open) a work order, the system automatically adds any late or soon due PM services for the same linear asset to the list of tasks except in the following cases:

The system uses task IDs to check for potential comebacks. A warning message displays on the Messages tab and on the hard copy of the work order for each task that is in the same repair group or standard as a task previously performed on the same unit within the applicable comeback period (see the Meter Info tab on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Primary Information screen).

To streamline data entry, you can copy work orders using the Copy button. For a list of the data items that are copied and not copied, see Work order data items copied. Remember that behind-the-scenes functionality specified on the Linear Work Order screen also applies to linear work order actions performed through the Shop Activity Portals in Web Modules.

The Linear Work Order screen supports location level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorization to make changes or updates. In addition, the option specified in the Require match between work order location and equipment access rights location field on the Options tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Options screen indicates whether users can open work orders on this screen.

Detail View Header

The fields in the top section of this tab are display only from the Basic Info tab.

Work order ID

Identifier of the work order currently selected in the grid.

Equipment ID

Identifier of the linear asset.  

Job status

Job status of the work order. The statuses are as follows:

Current work delay

Identifier of the reason for the current work delay, if any, on the work order. The work delay description displays to the right of the ID. Display only from the Work delay ID field on the Delays tab.

Detail View

Data in the fields on the bottom section of this tab, presented in a screen group, display tasks expected to be or actually performed under this work order. The screen group displays up to 200 rows of information. To view more than 200 rows, use the Queries/Reports -> Query Report Generator screen to create and run a report that includes the information. Unless otherwise indicated, each field is required to assign a task to the work order.


To delete the entries in the fields to the right, place a check in this field and click Save.


The symptom requiring the task to be performed. This field has a list box.

Task ID

Identifier of the task. This field has a list box of IDs that have a check in the Active field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen, which indicates that they are valid tasks to which you can post charges. You cannot post indirect tasks to a work order.

If an account ID is entered for the line, the task IDs that display are only those associated with the account. If there are no associated task IDs listed for the account, all active tasks that support that account will display. This does not include accounts that have the Enforce task restrictions for this account option enabled on the Tasks tab of the Accounts Primary Information screen.

Work accomplished code

Code associated with the task ID for the work accomplished. It provides more detail about the work performed in relation to the task. This field has a list box.

If you do not specify a code in this field, you can specify it in the Work accomplished code fields on the Labor Capture tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Employee Labor Capture screen or on the Labor, Parts, or Commercial tabs of this screen when you post such charges to the task. The code displays in this field, but you can change it. See Work accomplished codes - processing.

Work accomplished codes and their descriptions are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Work Accomplished Codes screen.

Account ID

The identifier of the account used for the task.

If a task ID is entered for the line, the account IDs that display are only those associated with the task. If there is no associated account ID listed for the task, all active accounts that support that task will display.

Work class

Code that specifies the work class for the task. This field displays the value from the Basic Info tab.

Warranty work

Warranty status of the task. This field applies to repair group and repair tasks only, not PM services or inspections. When a task is added to the work order, the information in the Date and time in field on the Basic Info tab determines whether the component is still under warranty.

The options are as follows:

If a warranty is in effect, the default is specified in the Default setting for warranty when warranty is in effect field on the Work Orders - More Info tab. You should determine (as well as you can at this time) whether the work to be performed on the task represents warranty work. If you know the work is warranty work, specify YES. If you are unable to determine this when you open the work order, you can update this field at any time before you close the work order.

To change this value, you must be assigned to a user rights group that has a check in the appropriate Override work order field on the Special Rights tab of the System Mgmt -> Setup -> Access Rights -> User Groups screen. To change the value for specific tasks, use this tab. To change the value assigned to the work order, use the Basic Info tab.

Repair reason ID

Identifier for the repair reason for the task. This field has a list box. Depending on the value in the Job type field on the Basic Info tab, the following repair reason IDs display when you specify a new task:

Repair reason codes are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Repair Reasons screen.

Task priority ID

Identifier of the task priority. This field has a list box. When you specify a new task, the software displays the priority ID defined for the work order, but you can change it. Priority IDs are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Priority Codes screen.

Date and time required

Date and time the task must be completed. The software displays the date and time the work order is due, based on the priority ID.

Estimated hours

Estimated number of hours of labor required to complete the task. This field is optional.

Travel time

Estimated travel time required to perform the task. This field applies only if the linear asset is not in the shop. This field is optional.

Equip warranty work

A check in this box (an X when displayed) indicates the equipment warranty applies to the task.

Warranty vendor ID

Identifier of the vendor associated with the warranty. This field has a list box.

The functions that a vendor provides (such as warranties) are specified on the Functions tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen.

Update PM schedule

For work orders with a job type of PM, this field specifies whether, when you process information for work orders with a job status of either WORK FINISHED or CLOSED, the PM schedule for the unit is automatically updated, regardless of whether there are any charges to task IDs on the Labor, Parts, or Commercial tabs. (Fields on the Basic Info tab specify the work order's job type and job status.)

Task location ID

Identifier of the task location. If the task's asset category is associated with a work management classification, this field displays the location specified on the Functions tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen. Otherwise, the work location displays. This field has a list box.

Task IDs are associated with locations on the Locations tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen.

No parts needed

Check this box if no parts are needed for this task.


If this field has a check, the task has been completed.

Date and time completed

Date and time (in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM format) that the task was completed.

This field updates automatically upon any of the following actions:

This field is editable, so you can set it manually for a specific task before the work order is finished or closed.


Comments and notes about the tasks. Optional, free-form area. The maximum field length is 120 characters. These comments display below the task in the Expected Tasks section of the printed work order. The formats are as follows:

The work-order print format is specified on the Work Orders- More Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen.

Task Multiplier

Indicates how many times a task was completed which can be helpful for updating estimates if the same task has to be performed multiple times.


See Also

Location level access control

Department-level access control