Frequently asked questions about account IDs

The following are common questions about account IDs. Scan this list before you call Technical Support--you might save yourself a telephone call.

Common Questions

What are account IDs?

Account IDs are typically billing or revenue account codes. They also may be referred to as budget codes, budget lines, charge numbers, or organization numbers. Accounting departments often supply them. To record an account ID on a transaction, including internal parts and labor postings to work orders and processing of usage tickets, you must specify the account ID to which you will pass the costs.

To define account IDs and to specify whether they have a status of ACTIVE or INACTIVE, use the Basic Info tab on the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Accounts -> Primary Information screen.


What can I assign account IDs for?

You can define account IDs for the following types of transactions:


Which screen do I use to define account IDs?

To define account IDs and to specify whether they have a status of ACTIVE or INACTIVE, use the Basic Info tab on the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Accounts -> Primary Information screen.

For more information, refer to What are account IDs?


Which screen do I use to define revenue account IDs?

To define account IDs and to specify whether they have a status of ACTIVE or INACTIVE, use the Basic Info tab on the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Accounts -> Primary Information screen.

To specify whether revenue account IDs are required, optional, or not required, use the More Info tab on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Options screen.

For more information, refer to What are account IDs?


Which screen do I use to specify the default account ID for locations for Enterprise Purchasing screens?

To specify the default account ID for locations (Enterprise Purchasing only), use the Inventory - Enterprise tab on the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen.


Which screen do I use to specify the default account ID by line item type?

To define the default account ID by line item type, use the More Info tab of the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Options screen.


What if my account ID is longer than 30 characters?

Account IDs help users record and manage their budget information. Organizations whose account IDs are longer than 30 characters might believe they cannot use the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Accounts  -> Primary Information screen to set up accounts. Often, however, an existing budget code is actually a combination of several data elements, such as user department, division, and cost center. Each data element is treated independently, but you can bring any or all data elements together in the billing interface to your accounting or financial system.

An External account identifier field is also on this screen, which can consist of up to 100 characters.


Which screen do I use to specify whether account IDs are required, optional, or not required?


Which transactions can I assign an account ID to?

You can assign account IDs to the following transactions. At the time of the assignment, there must be a check in the Active field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Accounts -> Primary Information screen.

Work order

Account ID fields on Basic Info and Tools tabs of Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center

Labor charges

Account ID fields on the following tabs or screens:

Part issues

Account ID field on Parts tab on Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center

Commercial work

Account ID fields on the following tabs or screens:

Motor pool reservations

Account ID field on Accounting Info tab on Data -> Equipment Activity -> Motor Pool -> Motor Pool Center


Account ID fields on the following tabs and screens accessible from the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Usage menu:


Account ID fields on the following tabs or screens:



See Also

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