Frequently asked questions about parts

The following are common questions about parts. Scan this list before you call Technical Support—you might save yourself a phone call!

Common Questions

I am sure that I deleted a part. Why does it still appear in my database?

There are two tables in the software that maintain the part information. One table (PTS_main) maintains the part primary information; the other table (PLU_main) contains the part location information. If you specify a location when you delete a part, the software deletes only the part from that part location record. See online help on the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen for more information.


How do I use the system to take a physical inventory?

You can use two different methods to take physical inventory:

Non-bar code users

Step 1.  Perform a physical count of the inventory. You can print the Inventory Taking List report (PR:PTS-INV TAKING LIST-CEN or PR:PTS-INV TAKING LIST-LOC) to use as a reference. (You can use the Reports list box on the standard toolbar to print the report.)

Step 2.   Write down the physical counts of the parts in the Count column on the report.

Step 3.   Use the Data -> Parts Activity -> Inventory Counts screen to record the on-hand quantities of the parts.

a. Search for the correct record using the Search button.

b. Click Edit, type in the new count for each part, and click Save.

c. Repeat steps a and b until all locations and bin ranges have been updated.

Step 4.   Run the Inventory Analysis report (PR:PTS-INV ANALYSIS-CEN or PR:PTS-INV ANALYSIS-LOC) and compare it to the actual physical count to make sure there are no typing errors.

Step 5.   Resolve all differences between the physical count and the printed report. To do this, either recount the parts that differ or use the Data -> Parts Activity -> Adjustments screen to adjust the inventory accordingly. (Alternatively, you can use the Adjust inventory to counts for all items at this location ID for part counts on or after __/__/__ field on the Data -> Parts Activity -> Inventory Counts screen to automatically adjust on-hand quantities to match the last inventory count.)

Step 6.   Repeat step 5 for all parts locations.

Bar code users with hand-held devices (optional Bar Code module must be installed)

Step 1.   Set the hand-held device to Inventory Taking mode. An inventory taking list will help you conduct the count.

Step 2.   Scan the bin label and enter the physical counts into the device.

Step 3.   Use the Data -> Parts Activity -> Inventory Counts screen to record the on-hand quantities of the parts. Refer to How to load data from hand-held devices.

Step 4.   Run the Inventory Analysis report to determine the difference between the existing count and the new count. If you have access to this report, it displays in the Reports list in the standard toolbar.

Step 5.   Resolve the differences between the physical counts and the computer counts that the report reflects. To do this, either recount the parts that differ or use the Data -> Parts Activity -> Adjustments screen to adjust the inventory accordingly. (Alternatively, you can use the Adjust inventory to counts for all items at this location ID for part counts on or after __/__/__ field on the Data -> Parts Activity -> Inventory Counts screen to automatically adjust on-hand quantities to match the last inventory count.)


What are the differences between the various ways to order parts?

If you do not manage parts BY ENTERPRISE (i.e., you are not using Enterprise Purchasing), the Data -> Purchasing menu provides three screens from which you can order parts: Reordering, Quick Orders, and Part Orders.

On the Reordering screen, you can specify that the system generate purchase orders based on four values:

Whether you use the Quick Orders or Part Orders screen depends on how many parts vendors you use.

To define and understand how parts inventory information is handled for your organization, refer to the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen.


How do I quick order a part?

Quick orders enable you to generate purchase orders (POs) for stock and special-order parts from one vendor.

To create a quick order:

Step 1.   Go to the Data -> Purchasing -> Quick Orders screen.

Step 2.   On the Basic Info tab, click Edit.

Step 3.   In the Location ID field, type the ID of the location to receive the parts.

Step 4.   In the Vendor ID field, type or select the vendor ID.

The Date ordered field defaults to today's date, but you can change it.

Step 5.   In the Address ID field, change the value as required. (Refers to the address to which the parts are to be delivered.)

Step 6.   In the Order placed by field, type or select the ID of the employee creating the PO.

Step 7.   In the Order header type field, type the order header type. (Refers to the PO header type that applies to this order.)  

The Order type field defaults to QUICK.

Step 8.   Click the Line Items tab.

Step 9.   In the Part ID field, type or select a valid part ID.

Step 10. In the Part suffix field, type the part suffix. If this is a new part, type 0 (zero).

Step 11. In the Vendor contract ID field, type or select the contract ID, if required.

Step 12. If the Price type field does not auto-populate, type or select the price type that describes the current order unit price.

Step 13. In the Gross unit price field, type the gross price of the part per unit, in the vendor's currency.

Step 14. In the Date required field, type the date by which the part is required.

Step 15. In the Quantity field, type the number of purchase units of the part required.

Step 16. In the Account ID field, type or select the ID of the general accounting system’s account associated with the work order to which the system is to post the parts charges. The default value is specified on the Purchase Orders tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Setup -> Options screen.

Step 17. If the part was previously entered into the system, the Part short description field will auto-populate.  If not, type a short description of the part.

Step 18. If the part is in the system, the Verified valid part ID field will have a check. If not, you must click the field.

Step 19. Click Save to save the entry.


How do I define (add) a part?

To add (define) a part:

Step 1.   On the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen, insert a new data record for the part.

Step 2.   On the Data -> Parts Items -> Location Information screen, specify the locations that stock the part.

Step 3.   On the Data -> Parts Activity -> Adjustments screen, adjust the on-hand quantity and price.

To specify that a part is eligible to be reordered, see How do I increase the inventory of a part (order/receive).

To process quick orders and the receipt of parts as a single transaction, perform the following activities on the Line Items tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Quick Orders screen:


How is data about single boxes of multiple parts handled?

The Purchase/Issue factor field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Purchasing ->Vendor/Part Information screen manages the bulk ordering of parts. If the factor is 12, every order quantity of one consists of twelve units of the part.


How is the price of an inventory part determined?

The Inventory pricing method field on the General tab of the Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen specifies how the prices of parts in inventory are determined.


How can I determine the status of a part? and
What is parts tracking and which screen do I use to set it up?

If you have activated the parts tracking option, parts are identified by a part ID and a numeric suffix, the combination of which must be unique. The part ID identifies the part and the suffix identifies the part's state or status. You may characterize parts as serialized stock items, serialized components, having a core, rebuildable, or re-useable. The assigned suffix applies system-wide.

Parts tracking applies only to parts that are classified as warrantable, serialized, having a core, rebuildable, or re-useable. Consumables and parts without these classifications will have no status other than new, and may be assigned any suffix other than one of the special suffixes.

Parts tracking offers the following functionality:

To activate parts tracking and specify which suffixes to use, go to the Part Status Tracking tab on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen.


How does parts tracking affect daily activities and tasks?

Refer to the parts tracking processing information page for more information.


How can I track components and serialized parts?

Parts that are rebuildable but do not have a serial number can be tracked as:

Parts that are rebuildable and have a serial number can be tracked as:

Parts that are rebuildable and have a serial number and position will be tracked as:



See Also

Contact Customer Support

Serialized Parts

Primary Information (Components)

Part Status Tracking tab (Options screen)